Sunday 22nd August 2021

The service this week, with hymns, is led by Rev Peter Marsh.    Sadly, due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no live services in the benefice this week. The planned communion at St Mary’s in Wotton has been cancelled

These links take you to the order of service and pew sheet.

A reminder about ‘events’ coming up soon:

Sunday 29th August – 4pm at St. Mary’s. A Benefice Thanksgiving service. All welcome.

Friday 3rd September – 4-6pm  on the playing field by the school
Cream Tea with madrigals and folk songs by the Oriana Singers – followed at 6pm by a peal of the church bells by St Martin’s ringers. Bring a rug and enjoy a picnic tea while the children play….

Fri 3rd – Sun 5th September – Various activities happening across the Benefice to celebrate coming out of the darkness into the light, culminating in the installation and induction of Cookie as our Vicar at 3pm on the Sunday.

If you would like to go to the service at St. Mary’s on Sunday 5th September at 3pm, please email the office to book your seat. The service will be busy and so we need names so that we can try and fit in as many as possible, as safely as possible.

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Sunday 15th August 2021

This week’s ramblings are led by Rosie Casken

This is the link to the pew sheet

A reminder about ‘events’ coming up soon:

Sunday 29th August – 4pm at St. Mary’s. A Benefice Thanksgiving service. All welcome.

Fri 3rd – Sun 5th September – Various activities happening across the Benefice to celebrate coming out of the darkness into the light, culminating in the installation and induction of Cookie as our Vicar at 3pm on the Sunday.

If you would like to go to the service at St. Mary’s on Sunday 5th September at 3pm, please email the office to book your seat. The service will be busy and so we need names so that we can try and fit in as many as possible, as safely as possible.

Posted by admin

Sunday 8th August 2021

A hybrid for you this week! – Ramblings with hymns – led by Rev Rachel Cook (Cookie).

The pew sheet is available by following the link.

A reminder about ‘events’ coming up soon:

Sunday 29th August – 4pm at St. Mary’s. A Benefice Thanksgiving service. All welcome.

Fri 3rd – Sun 5th September – Various activities happening across the Benefice to celebrate coming out of the darkness into the light, culminating in the installation and induction of Cookie as our Vicar at 3pm on the Sunday.

If you would like to go to the service at St. Mary’s on Sunday 5th September at 3pm, please email the office to book your seat. The service will be busy and so we need names so that we can try and fit in as many as possible, as safely as possible.

Posted by admin

Sunday 1st August 2021

This week’s ‘ramblings’ are led by Rev Rachel Cook (Cookie).

This is the link to the pew sheet

There is a communion service in church at 9.30 am and, at 7.30 pm the Concert to honour the memory of Audrey Sewell


Sunday 29th August.

There will be ONE service only in the Benefice – 4pm at St. Mary’s. A Benefice Thanksgiving service for all those that have been so wonderful over the last few years.

Friday 3rd – Sunday 5th September.

There is to be a Benefice Celebration for the whole community with music, food and much socialising (in a safe way!) plus teddies parachuting from St. Mary’s tower! The weekend culminates in a service at St. Mary’s for the installation and induction of Cookie as our vicar. The theme of the weekend is “From Darkness to Light”

Things happening:

Saturday 10-12pm St. Mary’s – Coffee, cake and music

Saturday afternoon – there will be a walk/cycle from Wotton to North Nibley (and back again!) – times to be confirmed.

Plus another walk between Tresham and Alderley – times and meeting point to be confirmed.

5.30pm Food and drink at St. Mary’s plus Teddies Parachuting off the tower.

Sunday 11.15am – Holy Communion at St. Kenelm’s, Alderley

Sunday 3pm St. Mary’s – Cookie’s installation, refreshments afterwards.

Whilst there are people around St. Mary’s, the church will be open for you to see displays from the other churches within the community and the wonderfully colourful candles that the primary school children have decorated.

More things are being planned and will be communicated once all details are known

Posted by admin

Sunday 25th July 2021

This week’s service with music is led by Rev Peter Marsh.

These are the links to the pew sheet and order of service

The chapel is holding a Cafe Service at 10am led by Rev Peter Marsh

Services at St Mary’s in Wotton this week are communion at 09.30 and evensong at 18.30

Posted by admin