Confirmation 2024

Confirmation Service at   St Martin’s Church 16th June


We found the Confirmation Register tucked away in the vestry.  Opening and turning the pages, the last entry was in 2012.  So how wonderful a thing to be getting cramp in my hand whilst writing out the details for seven confirmation candidates, along with all their certificates and signing a pile of Bibles to be given to each. Men and Women, and one young adult, all publically declaring   they want to follow Jesus; and doing this together in sight of over 80 in our congregation from across our community of local churches. And to add to the excitement of the day we welcomed Bishop Robert Springett; who informed us it was his first visit to North Nibley. So, a wonderful day of celebration.

The candidates each gave a short Testimony, explaining why they wanted to be confirmed and the best way to understand what Confirmation is about is to hear those testimonies.

The reason why I am being confirmed just because I feel that part of my life is incomplete with all the sadness and sorrow that has come before this day. I would like to start a fresh, since this accident back in September 2014 I’ve struggled with a path that some days I really do feel hard to deal with, I want a new beginning. I want a new start, I’d like to be shown some guidance so I can make the right choices along the path that I lead.


I want to wipe the slate clean and prove to myself that I can be independent. I feel I have more love and kindness to give. I have been sheltered for a while and want to explore new opportunities whilst exploring myself.


I have had a lot of bad in my life and I am trying to let some good into it. I believe that my journey has led me to this experience of being baptised and confirmed and letting God and the Church into my life, giving me a fresh start and good things to come. And also sharing this experience with my cousin Lorna.


It kind of feels right to be Confirmed now. So I think God must be telling me it’s alright now rather than waiting.  For me it isn’t about showing my faith outwardly, but it’s a spiritual thing which feels right.



I was baptised last summer at St Mary’s where I affirmed my faith, and my faith journey has continued since then.  I have been challenged by the concept of confirmation and have been questioning it. However, with guidance and prayer, I now believe that God has led me to do this, and I am ready to confirm my faith to strengthen my relationship with God and continue the journey.

Life has changed for me for the better. Believing in God, Lord Jesus. Re connecting with the Church of England and St Mary’s. Following Gods words and striving to be a better person in my everyday life. Confirmation for me is showing my Christian faith within the Church of England and the community.



During the past 12 months I have been drawn back into the church. Through preparations towards my wedding and becoming a godparent. This has reignited a spark of faith in me that I would like to use to begin my faith journey. I’m not certain on anything other than that I feel God’s presence and that something is pulling me onto this path.



Each Confirmation candidate has a personal story that underpins the words they used to describe their commitment to God in this special service. None of us have all the answers, not even the Bishop, but we live in hope and expectation that God has those answers and therefore we trust that ‘with God on our side’ all things are possible.


The service was full of optimism, hope and celebration with  lots of coffee and cake to follow where people were meeting people ( some for the first time) talking about the service and what it meant to them.

My favourite bit was when the candidates sang our final song to the congregation with Peter Marsh leading them on the guitar.  Peter had heard it on ‘Songs of Praise’ and we all agreed it was perfect of the occasion. The words of the first verse say it all.

God I look to You
I won’t be overwhelmed
Give me vision to see things like You do
God I look to You
You’re where my help comes from
Give me wisdom, You know just what to do.


So what is your story?


My hope is watch as each of our newly confirmed folk flourish and find freedom in their faith which is why we gave them a ‘Freedom Bible’ in which all the scriptures that talk about Freedom are highlighted in blue and  there’s a lot of BLUE!!.

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