Sunday 19th November 2023

Sunday 19th November 2023. The service in church at 9.30am will be Matins led by Rev Peter Fewings

The recorded service is available here
The pew sheet  is available here

Sunday 26th November 2023. The service in church at 9.30am will be a Communion service led by Rev Richard Morgan.

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

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Sunday 12th November 2023 – Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 12th November 2023 Remembrance Sunday. The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh. This will be followed at 10.45am by a Remembrance Service at the War Memorial. There will be refreshments in the Chapel after this.

Sunday 19th November 2023. The service in church at 9.30am will be Matins led by Rev Peter Fewings

The recorded service is available here
The pew sheet  will be available here

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 5th November 2023

Sunday 5th November 2023 – All Saint’s Day – The service in church at 9.30am will be a family service led by Rev Lesley Hewish.

The recorded service is available here
The pew sheet  will be available here

Sunday 12th November 2023 – Remembrance Sunday. The service in church at 9.30am will be communion service with both Rev Lesley Hewish and Rev Peter Marsh. This will be followed at 10.45am by a Remembrance service at the War Memorial

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 29th October 2023 – Bible Sunday

Sunday 29th October 2023
There will be a benefice communion service at 11am in St Marys, Wotton under Edge with Rev Dr David Ball as guest speaker. There will be no service in St Martin’s.

The recorded service is available here
The pew sheet  will be available here

Sunday 5th November 2023 – The service in church at 9.30am will be a family service led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 29th October 2023

Saturday 21st October 2023
– There will be a silent prayer vigil in St Mary’s between 3 and 4pm, praying for peace in Palestine and Israel

Sunday 22nd October 2023
— The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Canon Jane Kenchington
– There will be  a Pet Service in church at 2.30pm led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service will be available here
The pew sheet  will be available here

Saturday 28th October
– 3pm
in St Cyr’s, Stinchcombe  – The Oriana singers will be holding their autumn concert of folksongs, madrigals and spirituals

Sunday 29th October 2023
There will be a benefice communion service at 11am in St Marys, Wotton under Edge with Rev Dr David Ball as guest speaker. There will be no service in St Martin’s.

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 15th October 2023

Sunday 15th October 2023. The service at 9.30 am in church will be a family service led by Rev Peter Marsh
The recorded service is available here
The pew sheet  will be available here

Sunday 15th October 2023 at 3pm. The chapel is holding an informal service.  Everyone is welcome to listen to the speaker, Nigel Lindsay, who is working in Grenada as a missionary. (Note the change in time from that published in OTE)

Sunday 22nd October 2023
— The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Canon Jane Kenchington
— There will be  a Pet Service in church at 2.30pm led by Rev Peter Marsh

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 8th October 2023

Sunday 8th October 2023 – The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service will be available here
The pew sheet  is available here

Sunday 15th October 2023. The service at 9.30 am in church will be a family service led by Rev Peter Marsh

Advance Notice
Sunday 22nd October 2023 – 2.30pm Pet Service

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 1st October 2023

The Harvest Supper will be on Saturday 30th September at 7pm in the village hall.
Please see the poster.  This is now fully booked. All profits are donated to Christian Aid

Sunday 1st October 2023. The service at 9.30 am in church will be a family service led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is available here
The pew sheet  will be available here

Sunday 8th October 2023 – The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

The Keepers will be running courses on ‘Next steps for the use of tablets’ and ‘Cooking confidence and next steps

Longfield is introducing a new Men’s group and a cooking for inspiration group. They support adults over the age of 18 with a progressive life limiting condition such as cancer, advanced lung disease, neurological diseases (including Parkinson’s, MND, MS. Also, early to mid-stage dementia, depending on support needs) and heart disease, who live in Gloucestershire or have a GP registered in Gloucestershire.
They support people from diagnosis onwards and all their services are free.
Here are links to their care brochure, ‘Simple ways to feel a little better’ and their list of ‘what’s on’.

The latest edition of Together in Wotton has been published

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Sunday 24th September 2023 – Harvest

Saturday 23rd September 2023Harvest messy church at 10am in the chapel . Children will be learning a harvest song and making harvest decorations .

Sunday 24th September 2023 – Harvest –

  • 9.30 am in church – communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish – please feel free to bring donations of fresh food for auction at the harvest supper (for Christian Aid) and/or of tinned / preserved food for the food bank
  • 4pm in church – a harvest round the font service led by Rev Peter Marsh

The Harvest Supper will be on Saturday 30th September at 7pm in the village hall
Please see the poster and note the booking deadline! All profits are donated to Christian Aid

Sunday 1st October 2023. The service at 9.30 am in church will be a family service led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service will be available here
The pew sheet  will be available here

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

The Keepers will be running courses on ‘Next steps for the use of tablets’ and ‘Cooking confidence and next steps

Posted by admin

Sunday 17th September 2023

Sunday 17th September 2023. The service at 9.30 am in church will be a family service led by the churchwardens.

The recorded service is available here
The pew sheet  will be available here

Saturday 23rd September 2023Harvest messy church at 10am in the chapel . Children will be learning a harvest song and making harvest decorations .

Sunday 24th September 2023 – Harvest

  • 9.30 am in church – communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish
  • 4pm in church – a harvest round the font service led by Rev Peter Marsh

The harvest supper will be on Saturday 30th September at 7pm in the village hall
Please see the poster and note the booking deadline! All profits are donated to Christian Aid

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin