Sunday 2nd August 2020

This week’s ‘ramblings’ have been prepared by Rev Lesley Hewish.
This is the link to the video referenced near the end of the service. Please copy it now for ease of use later.

The pew sheet is here

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Appointment of a new Vicar


On behalf of the Tyndale Benefice, we are delighted to announce the appointment of the Reverend Rachel Cook as Vicar (Designate) of the Tyndale Benefice, subject to the usual legal processes.

Rachel is currently Station Chaplain at RAF Waddington Lincolnshire.

This is what Rachel has written:

“Matt and I are really excited about joining you all in the Tyndale Benefice.  We were made to feel most welcome on Interview day and cannot wait to come. God is good! What an amazing journey he leads us on when we (tentatively) step out.”

It is anticipated that Rachel, Matt and family will move to the Benefice in December with a licensing service in early January.

Please keep Rachel and her family in your prayers as they prepare to move to Coombe.

Together we look forward to sharing the love of Christ and building our Benefice churches and communities for the next generations.


From: The PCC Representatives of the Tyndale Benefice

Dated: Sunday 19th July 2020

Posted by admin

Sunday 21st June 2020

We have ‘ramblings’ by Rev Peter Marsh this week.

The collect, readings etc are here.

This is the  pew sheet .

The recording this week has a varied video content, displaying pictures of thoughts about the Holy Trinity as requested by Peter in his last ramblings.
These pictures can also be seen in the children’s tab of this web site

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