Sunday 7th May 2023

Friday 5th May – Mon 8th May 10.30am – 6pm each day. There will be a Coronation themed floral display in the church

Sunday 7th May 9.30am. The service in church will be a service of the Word for the Coronation led by Rev Peter Marsh

Sunday 7th May  –  Following the 12.30 bring your own picnic on the playing field, Churches Together are organising a Coronation Tea  Party at 2.30pm in the church / churchyard. Free to all and everyone welcome

 Sunday 14th May 2023 9.30am. The service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service is now available

The pew sheet  will be available here when published
The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

The May edition of ‘Together in Wotton’ has been published