Sunday 28th May 2023 and a look ahead

Sunday 28th May 2023 – Pentecost, Whit Sunday  9.30am. The service in church will be a communion service led by Canon Jane Kenchington
The recorded service is now available
The pew sheet  is available here

Sunday 4th June 2023 – 9.30am. The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Peter Marsh

Looking slightly ahead –  Sat 10th and Sun 11th JuneOpen Gardens in North Nibley

…and a little further ahead
Tyndale Benefice Tea Cruise
Saturday 29th July, 1 – 3pm. Embarking at Saul Junction. Cost £20 per person. An opportunity to spend an afternoon together enjoying wonderful scenery, afternoon tea and good company. Please book & pay for your place to the Benefice Office – 01453 842175 or Spaces still available.

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

The June edition of ‘Together in Wotton’ has been published

Have a great weekend