Sunday 26th March 2023

Sunday 26th March 2023  The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service  led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service will be available here as soon as it is published.
The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published.

Sunday 2nd April 2023 – Palm Sunday  The service in church at 9.30am will be a service of the Word  led by Rev Peter Marsh

A number of events around Easter have been organised by Churches Together:

PALM SUNDAY – 2nd April – 9.30am in St Martin’s Family Service with dramatised Gospel

GOOD FRIDAY – 7th April – 10am Good Friday walk of witness with Noddy the donkey from Chapel to Church for hot cross buns

GOOD FRIDAYHour before the Cross  – a modern contemplative service at St Martin’s – 2pm

EASTER EVE – Saturday 8th April – Service around the font in St Martins at 5.30pm

EASTER SUNDAY  8th April– 6.30 am sunrise service by the monument – lifts available. Return to the chapel for bacon rolls (Followed by 9.30am communion in St Martin’s)


The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.