St Martin’s Church, North Nibley

Welcome to St Martin’s pages. This page acts as our focus and summarises our events and activities, providing links to more details about them, about our church, our people and how to contact us.

OUR WEEKLY RECORDED SERVICES CONTINUE.  The church is open during the day and the churchyard is always open and provides a place for quiet reflection and prayer – with benches. Please do make use of it.

We send out a weekly email regarding forthcoming services and events and giving relevant updates. To subscribe, please see this document and send us an email

The latest changes to these pages:
Blog for 13th October 2024 has been added, and a QR code link for donations. Thanks to Christian Eley for the wonderful sunset picture.  Please see the latest blog for details of services and forthcoming events, the recorded service and some links we hope you will find useful.

Summary of Regular Services

The church is now open daily for visitors and private prayer

The monthly pattern of services in St Martin’s is as follows:
Weeks 1 and 3. Family Service  at 0930
Weeks 2 and 4. Communion at 09.30
5th Sunday, A  service for the whole benefice in one of its churches

Every Sunday – a recorded service is available on this website.


Forthcoming ‘Events’

Sunday October 13th 2024 – 2.30pm -Harvest ’round the font a combined pet and harvest service of songs and readings with Rev Peter Marsh – there will be tea and cake

Sunday 15th December 2024 – 6pm – Candlelit service of lessons and carols in church

Christmas Eve 2024 – time TBA – procession with the donkey from church to chapel

Christmas Eve 2024 – 6pmChristingle service in church

Christmas Eve 2024 – 11.15pm – the ‘midnight ‘service this year will be in the chapel

Christmas Day 2024 – 9.30 am Christmas day family communion service in church

The Church of England web site gives more information and will signpost Christian resources available on line.

Donations to St Martin’s can be made via the link in the QR code below. Thank you!

About us

The Benefice
The parish of North Nibley is part of the Tyndale Benefice.   We are  delighted that Rev Lesley Hewish is now licensed (22 May 2022) as our Priest-in-Charge  for a period of 4 years. The Benefice Profile gives an overview of the churches, their aspirations and the environment in which they reside.

Churches Together
We work closely with the Chapel in the village, sharing services and other events throughout the year

We have a dedicated choir which sings at all the 9.30 communion services, as well as at ‘special’ services. It is always keen to welcome  new members.

The church has excellent acoustics for musical performances

The bellringers are looking for new ringers!

Village School
We have very close links with our village C of E primary school, which holds many services in the Church, as well as ‘experience’ events, supported by members of the congregation. We help with ‘open the book’ and hold joint fundraising events with the Friends of the school – FONNS.
We also work with the village nursery and playgroup.

Please see our safeguarding page for more information and the policies page for formal documentation

Sunday 2nd June 2024

Sunday 2nd June 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is available
The pew sheet  is available

Sunday 9th June 2024
9.30 am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Lesley Hewish


Posted by admin

Sunday 26th May 2024 – Trinity Sunday

Sunday 26th May 2024 – Trinity Sunday
9.30 am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Fewings

The recorded service is available
The pew sheet  will be available

Sunday 2nd June 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev..

Posted by admin

Sunday 19th May 2024

Saturday 18th May 2024
Spring Fair from 12noon until 4pm on the playing field in conjunction with FONNS. Please support the plant, tea and cake stalls in aid of the church

Sunday 19th May 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by led by Rev Lesley Hewish


Posted by admin

Sunday 12th May 2024

Sunday 12th May 2024
9.30 am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is available
The pew sheet  will be available

Sunday 19th May 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by led by Rev Lesley Hewish


Posted by admin

Sunday 5th May 2024

Sunday 5th May 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service is now available
The pew sheet  is now available

Sunday 12h May 2024
9.30 am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Marsh


Posted by admin

Sunday 28th April 2024

Sunday 28h April 2024
9.30 am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service is available
The pew sheet  is available

Monday 29th April. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place in church at 7pm.

Sunday 5th May..

Posted by admin

Week ending Sunday 21st April 2024

The Oriana Singers will be holding their Spring Concert on Saturday 20th April at 7.30pm in St Mary’s, Wotton.

Sunday 21st April 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Canon Jane Kenchington

The recorded service is available and Jane has asked that this..

Posted by admin

Sunday 14th April 2024

Sunday 14th April 2024
9.30 am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Fewings

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 21st April 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Canon Jane Kenchington


Posted by admin

Sunday 7th April 2024

Sunday 7th April 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  is available.

Sunday 14th April 2024
9.30 am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Fewings


Posted by admin