
Sunday 3rd March 2024

Sunday 3rd March 2024
9.30am There will be a family service in church led by Rev Lesley Hewish on a theme of baptism

Sunday 10th March 2024 – Mothering Sunday
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Richard Morgan

Events around Easter are published on the web site

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  is available.

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

These are links to Together in Wotton and to the March prayer diary

Posted by admin

Sunday 18th February 2024

Sunday 18th February 2024
9.30am There will be a family service in church led by Rev Peter Fewings
3pm There will be a short, informal, ‘round the font’ service of songs and readings for Lent led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  is available.

Sunday 25th February 2024
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 11th February 2024

Sunday 11th February 2024
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Canon Jane Kenchington

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 18th February 2024
9.30am There will be a family service in church  led by Rev Peter Fewings
3pm There will be a short, informal, ‘round the font’ service of songs and readings for Lent led by Rev Peter Marsh

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 4th February 2024

Sunday 4th February 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service will be available.
The pew sheet  is available.

Sunday 11th February 2024
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Canon Jane Kenchington

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 28th February 2024 – Candlemas

Sunday 28th January 2024
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 4th February 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

Lent is a good time for reflection and reading and one way that can help us to deepen our reflection is to read a book deliberately chosen for Lent.
Four books, detailed on this link, have been recommended. We will be happy to order one (or more!) for you from the Cotswold Bookroom in Wotton.
There are sign-up sheets at the back of the church and there will be no need to pay until you receive the book(s).

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 21st January 2024

Sunday 21st January 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 28th January 2024
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Music in St Martin’s

Our church has excellent acoustics for concerts!

This video was made in the church as part of one concert organised by Emily White. It is track 1 of an album entitled ‘A Cry Was Heard’.

Apart from being wonderful music, we think it make the church look amazing.

Posted by admin

Sunday 14th January 2024

Sunday 14th January 2024
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 21st January 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is back

Posted by admin

Sunday 7th January 2024 – Epiphany

Sunday 7th January 2024 – Epiphany
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service will be available.
The pew sheet  is available.

Sunday 14th January 2024
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

Posted by admin

Sunday 31st December 2023

Sunday 31st December 2023

*   There will be a communion service for the whole benefice at 11am in St Mary’s, Wotton. The preacher will be Rev Pauline Godfrey who is the Head of Discipleship at the Gloucester Diocese
*   There will not be a service in St Martin’s

The recorded service will be available.
The pew sheet  is available.

Sunday 7th January 2023 – Epiphany
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

Can you help keep St Martin’s Church looking cared for…? 

Do you have an hour or two to spare every two months or so?  The church needs to be vacuumed, mopped and dusted weekly and we have a rota which now has some gaps to be filled by some new volunteers. It is preferable to have pairs working each session and some of our current team need “partners”. If you would be willing to join the rota please do contact us without delay.
Many thanks!

The latest edition of Together in Wotton has been published. This includes information as to what is on at the Keepers

Posted by admin