
Easter 2020

These are the collect, psalm and readings for Good Friday  10th April 2020

These are the collect, psalm and readings for Easter Sunday 12th April 2020, and this is the sermon from Rev Peter Marsh

Here are some more prayers for Easter

The following is a recording of an Easter day Service. We are very grateful to David Moss, who has compiled it from a whole suite of individual recordings and also provided some music, and to Sarah Sparks who recorded some hymns. Also to Sue Devine for organising and providing some of the recordings, and to Rev Peter Marsh for ‘taking’ the service. He will also be carrying out this service, along with communion on behalf of us all, in his woodworking shed at 9.30 on Easter Sunday. Please pray with him.
This is the order of service

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Crib Display and St Nicholas event

A display of cribs lent by numerous villagers was expertly laid out within the church and a large number of people visited to enjoy them. Refreshments included gluhwein, pfefferkucken, stollen and other traditional delicacies used in countries where the feast of St Nicholas is more celebrated.

Angels made by  local children were suspended above the cribs. The church looked magnificent.

‘St Nicholas’ opened the proceedings by distributing gold ‘money’ to the children.

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