
Sunday 19th May 2024

Saturday 18th May 2024
Spring Fair
from 12noon until 4pm on the playing field in conjunction with FONNS. Please support the plant, tea and cake stalls in aid of the church

Sunday 19th May 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service is available
The pew sheet  will be available

Sunday 26th May 2024
am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Fewings

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 5th May 2024

Sunday 5th May 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service is now available
The pew sheet  is now available

Sunday 12h May 2024
am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Marsh

There will be a confirmation service on 16th June 2024, and classes before then. Please see this poster for more details.

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

The following have also been made available – May prayer diary, the May issue of ‘Together in Wotton’ and a postscript

Posted by admin

Sunday 28th April 2024

Sunday 28h April 2024
am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service is available
The pew sheet  is available

Monday 29th April. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place in church at 7pm.

Sunday 5th May 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by led by Rev Lesley Hewish

There will be a confirmation service on 16th June 2024, and classes before then. Please see this poster for more details.

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Week ending Sunday 21st April 2024

The Oriana Singers will be holding their Spring Concert on Saturday 20th April at 7.30pm in St Mary’s, Wotton.

Sunday 21st April 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Canon Jane Kenchington

The recorded service is available and Jane has asked that this document also be made available
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 28h April 2024
am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Lesley Hewish

There will be a confirmation service on 16th June 2024, and classes before then. Please see this poster for more details.

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 14th April 2024

Sunday 14th April 2024
am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Fewings

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 21st April 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Canon Jane Kenchington

The Oriana Singers will be holding their Spring Concert on Saturday 20th April at 7.30pm in St Mary’s, Wotton. Sorry – I got the date wrong on last week’s email

There will be a confirmation service on 16th June 2024, and classes before then. Please see this poster for more details.

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 7th April 2024

Sunday 7th April 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  is available.

Sunday 14th April 2024
am – The communion service in church will be led by Rev Peter Fewings

The Oriana Singers will be holding their Spring Concert on Saturday 20th April at 7.30pm in St Mary’s, Wotton.

There will be a confirmation service on 16th June 2024, and classes before then. Please see this poster for more details.

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Holy Week and Easter 2024 – sunrise service updated – now in the chapel

The Holy Week flyer includes prayers, readings and all services in the benefice for Holy Week and Easter

Friday 29th March 2024 – Good Friday
– Walk of Witness‘ leaving the chapel at 11.15am (Note the later time) and ending at the church for hot cross buns
– ‘An Hour before the Cross’  – an informal reflective service at 2pm in church led by Rev Peter Marsh
– The Oriana singers will hold their free Good Friday recital at 7pm in church

Easter Sunday – 31st March 2024  (remember the clocks go forward as well!)
Sunrise Service UPDATE – 6.30am Due to the wet weather and the state of the track – this service will now take place in the chapel. There will be bacon butties  afterwards.
There will then be a communion service in church at 9.30 am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service will be available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 7th April 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Peter Marsh

There will be a confirmation service on 16th June 2024, and classes before then. Please see this poster for more details.

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 24th March 2024 – Palm Sunday

Sunday 24th March 2024 – Palm Sunday
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Canon Jane Kenchington, with dramatised reading

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Friday 29th March 2024 – Good Friday
– Walk of Witness‘ leaving the chapel at 11.15am and ending at the church for hot cross buns
– ‘An Hour before the Cross’  – an informal reflective service at 2pm in church led by Rev Peter Marsh
– The Oriana singers will hold their free Good Friday recital at 7pm in church

Easter Sunday – 31st March 2024  (remember the clock go forward as well!)
Sunrise Service on Nibley Knoll by the Tyndale monument at 6.30am. Sadly, due to the condition of the track, there will be no lifts this year. There will be breakfast at the chapel afterwards.
There will then be a communion service in church at 9.30 am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

There will be a confirmation service on 16th June 2024, and classes before then. Please see this poster for more details.

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 10th March 2024

Sunday 10th March 2024 – Mothering Sunday
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Richard Morgan

The recorded service will be available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 17th March 2024
9.30am There will be a family service in church led by Rev Peter Marsh

Events around Easter are published on the web site

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available

These are links to Together in Wotton and to the March prayer diary

Posted by admin