Sunday 19th February 2023

Sunday 19th February 2023
*   The service in church at 9.30am will be an informal service of the Word led by Rev Jane Kenchington and supported by Rev Lesley Hewish
*   The recorded service is now available.
*   The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published.

Next Week –
Saturday 25th February – Churchyard clear-up session
in conjunction with the parish council. 10am – with refreshments available – see the poster
Sunday 26th February 2023
The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 12th February 2023

Sunday 12th February 2023
*   The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish
*   The collection taken at this service will be donated to the Christian Aid / DEC appeals following the earthquake in Turkey / Syria.
*   The recorded service is now available.
*   The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published.

Next Week – Sunday 19th February 2023
The service in church at 9.30am will be an informal service of the Word

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

The Keepers have published their programme for February

Lesley writes re Wholeness and Healing Training
I have great hopes for our ministry in Wholeness and Healing to grow in the Tyndale Benefice.  Some of you attended a diocesan information day with me on this area of ministry last autumn. I am part of the Bishop’s Advisory group and have agreed to offer a training course. It will give you a deeper understanding of Healing Prayer and will enhance our skills in praying for others and seeking the best in wholeness and healing in our  and the wider community.  Please look out for the poster and information sheets displayed.
There are 24 places and the training will sit over three Saturdays. One in Feb and two in March. Booking is essential through Kate Cropper. For any further information do email me on

Posted by admin

Sunday 5th February 2023

Sunday 5th February 2023
The service in church at 9.30am will be a service of the Word, led by Rev Peter Marsh
The recorded service is now available.
The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published.

Next Week – Sunday 12th February 2023
The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

The Keepers have published their programme for February

Posted by admin

Sunday 29th January 2023 – Candlemas

Sunday 29th January 2023  -Candlemas
There will be a communion service for the whole benefice in St Mary’s, Wotton, at 11am led by Rev Lesley Hewish.
As a result, there will be no service in St Martin’s this week.
recorded service is now available.

The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published.

Next Week – Sunday 5th February 2023
The service in church at 9.30am will be a service of the Word. led by Rev Peter Marsh

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 22nd January 2023

Sunday 22nd January 2023
The 9.30am service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Sue Philipson-Masters

At 6pm in St Mary’s, Wotton, there will be choral evensong led by Rev Lesley Hewish reflecting on how prayer can sustain and uplift us

The recorded service is now available
The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published

Next Week – Sunday 29th January 2023
There will be a communion service for the whole Benefice in St Mary’s, Wotton at 11am led by Rev Lesley Hewish.
There will be no service in St Martin’s

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 15th January 2023

Saturday 14th January 4pm in church. There will be a violin recital  by a talented young musician. Entry is free and  members of our congregation are invited.

Sunday 15th January 2023.
The 9.30am service in church will be a service of the Word with a theme of Hope and Healing, led by Rev Lesley Hewish. See this poster for more information.
The recorded service is now available
The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published

Next Week – Sunday 22nd January 2023
The 9.30am service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Sue Philipson-Masters

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available

The Keepers has published it’s  list of what is on in January

Posted by admin

Sunday 8th January 2023

Sunday 8th January 2023. The 9.30am service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh.
The recorded service is now available
The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published

Next Week – Sunday 15th January 2023
The 9.30am service in church will be a service of the Word with a theme of Hope and Healing, led by Rev Lesley Hewish. See this poster for more information

The Diocesan weekly bulletin is available

The Keepers has published it’s latest list of what is on in January


Posted by admin

Sunday 1st January 2023

New Year’s Day
The service in church will be a family service led by Rev Lesley Hewish at the later time of 11am. Please bring a drum (or something else to bang), and it would great if you feel like dressing up as one of the Magi! There will be sherry after the service.

The recorded service is now available
The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published

Next Week
Sunday 8th January 2023. The 9.30am service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh.

Please see this link for details of warm spaces available in Wotton

Posted by admin

Christmas 2022

Christmas Eve
-10am – ‘Journey to Bethlehem’
with  a donkey from church to chapel for refreshments, with stops along the way
– 6pm
in church – our first Christingle service for 3 years. (You can also donate to the Childrens’ Society using this special link)

-Christmas Day
Our service in church at 9.30am will be a Christmas communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh

Rev Peter Marsh has recorded a service for Christmas day
The pew sheet will be available here as soon as it is published

Next Week
Looking ahead  to New Year’s day, the service in church will be a family service led by Rev Lesley Hewish at the later time of 11am

The schedule of events at the Keepers is available for this week and next

Posted by admin

Sunday 18th December 2020

 Thursday 15th December at 7.30pm, the Oriana singers are holding their Christmas concert in church

This coming Sunday –  18th December
The service in church at 9.30am will be a celebration of baptism 
– I am very sorry, but we have not been able to record a service this week. Options are the Church of England service or the one from the BBC. The links take you to the relevant pages.
– At 6pm in church, we have our candlelit carol service with festive readings. Please do come, it is a lovely occasion.
– This link takes you to the pew sheet when it is published (usually on a Friday)

Next Week:
– Christmas Eve
-10am – ‘Journey to Bethlehem’
with  a donkey from church to chapel for refreshments, with stops along the way
– 6pm
in church – our first Christingle service for 3 years. (You can also donate to the Childrens’ Society using this special link)

-Christmas Day
Our service in church at 9.30am will be a Christmas communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh

Looking ahead further to New Year’s day, the service in church will be a family service led by Rev Lesley Hewish at the later time of 11am


The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here. It contains a Christmas message from Bishop Rachel

Posted by admin