Sun 15 May 2022

This Week
– Sunday 15th May
                –  The recorded service for this week  is now published and is led for us by Rev Sue Philipson-Masters
–   There will be a service of the Word in church at 9.30am led by Rev Stephen Jarvis
–   Monday 16th May at 7pm in church. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting. This is the ‘AGM’ of the church at which officers are elected and reports presented. Please do come…

The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week
–  Sunday 22nd May
–   There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am, led by Rev Peter Marsh

For the Diary:
Saturday 21st May  – 2pm – 5pm – The Spring Fayre on the playing field in conjunction with FONNS. Please help us by providing some cakes and plants / produce for the stalls – as well as by coming and joining the fun!  Please contact Sue Devine if you can help. Details are on the poster.
Sunday 22nd May at 3pm in St Mary’s, Wotton. Rev Lesley Hewish will be licensed as our Priest in Charge

We have again reviewed our covid risk assessment and will be keeping a monitored area, specifically for those who feel vulnerable, in which masks must be worn an distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’.

The May edition of Together in Wotton is available

Posted by admin

Sunday 8th May 2022

Services this Week – Sunday 8th May

 –  The recorded service for this week  is now published
–  There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am, led by Rev Peter Marsh

Next Week –  Sunday 15th May
–  There will be a service of the Word in church at 9.30am led by Rev Stephen Jarvis

For the Diary:
Monday 16th May at 7pm in church. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting. This is the ‘AGM’ of the church at which officers are elected and reports presented. Please do come…
Saturday 21st May  – 2pm – 5pm – The Spring Fayre on the playing field in conjunction with FONNS. Please help us by providing some cakes and plants / produce for the stalls – as well as by coming and joining the fun!  Please contact Sue Devine if you can help. Details are on the poster.
Sunday 22nd May at 3pm in St Mary’s, Wotton. Rev Lesley Hewish will be licensed as our Priest in Charge

The link takes you to the pew sheet

We have again reviewed our covid risk assessment and will be keeping a monitored area, specifically for those who feel vulnerable, in which masks must be worn an distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’.

The May edition of Together in Wotton has also been published

Posted by admin

Review of safety in the light of Covid 1st May 2022

The PCC reviewed the safety precautions we are taking in light of Covid, bearing in mind that we must remain welcoming to all, including those who feel vulnerable and are cautious about coming to church.

It was agreed that, in line with ‘society’, we will no longer recommend the general wearing of masks or have signage requiring distancing or hand washing.

We will, however, designate an area during services (until refreshments are served after the service) for the vulnerable in which masks and distancing will be required. This will be next to the Tyndale notice board. The choir will not congregate in this area. Carbon dioxide can be monitored in this area if it is occupied and ventilation increased if necessary.

Monitoring has shown that doors and windows do not need to open for our normal services with normal numbers of attendees. They will, however, be opened for events where the church is more fully occupied.

There will be no changes to other aspects of the service at this stage so there will be no processing, communion bread will be distributed at the pews and the peace will remain with waving only.

Posted by admin

Sunday 1st May 2022

Services this Week – Sunday 1st May

 –  The recorded service this week  is now published
–  There will be a service of the Word in church at 9.30am

Next Week –  Sunday 8th May
–  There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am, led by Rev Peter Marsh

The link takes you to the pew sheet

We have reviewed our covid risk assessment and are still asking that face coverings are worn when in church and that alternate pews are used in order to try and keep us all safe. We are relying more on our carbon dioxide monitors to let us know if / when we need to open doors / windows.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’.

The May edition of Together in Wotton has also been published

Posted by admin

Sunday 24th April 2022

Services this Week – Sunday 24th April

 –  The recorded service this week  is led by Rev Peter Marsh.
– Communion service in church at 9.30am

Next Week –  Sunday 1st May
– Service of the Word in church at 9.30am

The link takes you to the pew sheet

We have reviewed our covid risk assessment and are still asking that face coverings are worn when in church and that alternate pews are used in order to try and keep us all safe. We are relying more on our carbon dioxide monitors to let us know if / when we need to open doors / windows.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’.

Posted by admin

Sunday 17th April 2022 – Easter Sunday

The recorded service this week  is led by Rev Peter Marsh.
The interview with Noddy the donkey recorded last year is still available – and worth revisiting!

Services this Week– (see the web page for more detail)

Good Friday 15th April 
10 am  – follow the donkey from chapel to church
2pm – ‘An hour before the cross’ – a short, informal, reflective service
7pm – Oriana Singers recital in church – no entry fee

Easter Sunday 17th April
6.30 am – Sunrise service on the knoll led by Rev Jill Stephens and Rev Peter Marsh
9.30am The service in church will be a communion service  led by Rev Peter Marsh

The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week – Sunday 24th April, there will be a communion service in church

We have reviewed our covid risk assessment and are still asking that face coverings are worn when in church and that alternate pews are used in order to try and keep us all safe. We are relying more on our carbon dioxide monitors to let us know if / when we need to open doors / windows.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’.

Posted by admin

Sunday 10th April 2022 – Palm Sunday

The recorded service this week  is led by Rev Peter Marsh.

The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh and will incorporate a dramatised reading

The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week– (see the web page for more detail)
Good Friday 15th April 
10 am  – follow the donkey from chapel to church
2pm – ‘An hour before the cross’ – a short, informal, reflective service
7pm – Oriana Singers recital in church – no entry fee
Easter Sunday 17th April
6.30 am – Sunrise service on the knoll led by Rev Jill Stephens and Rev Peter Marsh
9.30am The service in church will be a communion service  led by Rev Peter Marsh

We have reviewed our covid risk assessment and are still asking that face coverings are worn when in church and that alternate pews are used in order to try and keep us all safe. We are relying more on our carbon dioxide monitors to let us know if / when we need to open doors / windows.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’.

Posted by admin

Sunday 3rd April 2022

The recorded service this week  is led by Rev Peter Marsh.

–  The service in church at 9.30am will be a service of the Word led by Rev Stephen Jarvis

The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week– Sunday 10th April
–  The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service of the Word led by Rev Peter Marsh

Do have a look at the web site which has details of services and events over Easter

We have reviewed our covid risk assessment and are still asking that face coverings are worn when in church and that alternate pews are used in order to try and keep us all safe. We are relying more on our carbon dioxide monitors to let us know if / when we need to open doors / windows.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’ The March edition of the Together in Wotton newsletter is also available

Posted by admin

Sunday 27th March 2022 – Mothering Sunday

The recorded service this week  is led by Rev Lesley Hewish.

The last hymn is done differently this week – and the process is not a smooth as I hoped! A slide tells you to pause the video and click on a link to another YouTube video with the hymn. I am sorry, but that link is not live so you cannot just click on it. The link you need is which you should be able to copy and paste from here – or from the title of the video. Please let me know if you are aware of a smoother way of doing this!

–  The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish
–   At 3pm in church Rev Peter Marsh will be leading a special family service for Mothering Sunday, and there will be cake.

The link takes you to the pew sheet

Churches Together are holding  the last of 4 discussions during Lent around the Chronicles of Narnia by C S Lewis – do they have a deeper meaning or are they just children’s stories? Monday evening, 27th March at 7pm in the chapel  ending at 8.30pm. See the separate page – entitled ‘Narnia’ – for further details

Next Week– Sunday 3rd April
–  The service in church at 9.30am will be a service of the Word led by Rev Morag Langley

We have reviewed our covid risk assessment and are still asking that face coverings are worn when in church and that alternate pews are used in order to try and keep us all safe. We are relying more on our carbon dioxide monitors to let us know if / when we need to open doors / windows.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’ The March edition of the Together in Wotton newsletter is also available

Posted by admin

Sunday 20th March 2022

The recorded service this week  is led by Rev Peter Marsh

The service in church at 9.30am will be a service of the Word, led by Rev Peter Marsh

The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week– Sunday 27th March
–  The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish
–   At 3pm in church Rev Peter Marsh will be leading a special family service for Mothering Sunday, and there will be cake.

Churches Together are holding  a series of 4 discussions during Lent around the Chronicles of Narnia by C S Lewis – do they have a deeper meaning or are they just children’s stories? Monday evenings at 7pm in the chapel starting on 7th March 2022 with each ending at 8.30pm. See the separate page – entitled ‘Narnia’ – for further details

We have reviewed our covid risk assessment and are still asking that face coverings are worn when in church and that alternate pews are used in order to try and keep us all safe. We are relying more on our carbon dioxide monitors to let us know if / when we need to open doors / windows.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’ The March edition of the Together in Wotton newsletter is also available

Posted by admin