Sunday 2nd Oct 2022

This Week
Sunday 2nd October – 9.30am  –
The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 9th October – 9.30am  –
The service in church will be a harvest communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters

Looking further ahead, there are 2 events coming up for which have posters. The harvest supper is on Saturday 15th October – please note the request for promises to be auctioned on the night. The following day, Sunday 16th October at 3pm in the church, sees a concert by ‘Sackbut Frenzy’, organised by Emily White

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 25th September 2022

This Week
Sunday 25th September – 9.30am  – 
The service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 2nd October – 9.30am  –
The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters

Looking further ahead, there are 2 events coming up for which have posters. The harvest supper is on Saturday 15th October – please note the request for promises to be auctioned on the night. The following day, Sunday 16th October at 3pm in the church, sees a concert by ‘Sackbut Frenzy, organised by Emily White

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 18th Sept 2022

This Week
Sunday 18th September – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a service of prayer and reflection following the death of the Queen. It will be led by Rev Peter Marsh. There is a poster
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 25th September – 9.30am  –The service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Lesley Hewish

For those who feel vulnerable, we are setting aside a monitored area in church in which masks must be worn and distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 11th September

This Week
Sunday 11th September – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a  communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Sunday 11th September at 3pm Churches Together are having an outdoor (hopefully) short informal Harvest Festival at the chapel followed by tea and cakes. Please do come if you are able.

Next Week:
Sunday 18th September – 9.30am  –The service in church will be a  service of the Word led by Rev Peter Marsh

For those who feel vulnerable, we are setting aside a monitored area in church in which masks must be worn and distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

Posted by admin

Sunday 4th September 2022

This Week
Sunday 4th September – 9.30am  -The service in church will be a  service of the Word led by Rev Peter Marsh
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 11th September – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a  communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters

For those who feel vulnerable, we are setting aside a monitored area in church in which masks must be worn and distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

Posted by admin

Sunday 28th August 2022

This Week
Sunday 28th August – 9.30am  -The service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh
–           the recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:

Sunday 4th September – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a  service of the Word

For those who feel vulnerable, we are setting aside a monitored area in church in which masks must be worn and distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: This week’s Diocesan Weekly Bulletin is now available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 21st August 2022

This Week
Saturday 20th August  – 4pm – Strawberry Cream Tea at Hunt’s Court
– this will raise money for the Children’s Society, but we will also be keen to listen to any ideas you have as to how the church should develop, be it services, other events, or ways in which we can make more use of the building – as well as how it might need to change to accommodate them. All thoughts will be welcome. One idea you think is silly could just spark a thought leading to something really good… There is a poster and Rev Peter Marsh’s ramblings in the latest On the Edge are worth re-reading as food for thought….

Sunday 21st August – 9.30am  -The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Lesley Hewish.
–           the recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:

Sunday 28th August – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh

For those who feel vulnerable, we are setting aside a monitored area in church in which masks must be worn and distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: This week’s Diocesan Weekly Bulletin is now available.

Posted by admin

Sunday August 14th 2022

This Week
Sunday 14th August –
9.30am  – The service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
–           the recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:

Saturday 20th August  – 4pm – Strawberry Cream Tea at Hunt’s Court – this will raise money for the Children’s Society, but we will also be keen to listen to any ideas you have as to how the church should develop, be it services, other events, or ways in which we can make more use of the building – as well as how it might need to change to accommodate them. All thoughts will be welcome. One idea you think is silly could just spark a thought leading to something really good… There is a poster and Rev Peter Marsh’s ramblings in the latest On the Edge are worth re-reading as food for thought….

Sunday 21st August – 9.30am  -The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Lesley Hewish

For those who feel vulnerable, we are setting aside a monitored area in church in which masks must be worn and distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The September Messenger is now available.

Posted by admin

Sunday 7th August 2022

This Week
Sunday 7th August –
9.30am  – The service at church this week will be an Al Fresco cafe church outside the building. It will be a service of thanksgiving led by Rev Lesley Hewish
–           the recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week
Sunday 14th August – 9.30am
 -The service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters

For those who feel vulnerable, we are setting aside a monitored area in church in which masks must be worn and distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’.

Posted by admin

Sunday 31st July 2022

This Week
Saturday 3oth July –  Benefice Breakfast at the Black Horse. Please see the poster for details and how to book.
Sunday 31st July
      –  the recorded service is now available
     -9.30am  The service in church will be Matins led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
     –      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week
Sunday 7th August – 9.30am
 – The service in church will be a service of the word led by Rev Lesley Hewish

For those who feel vulnerable, we are setting aside a monitored area in church in which masks must be worn and distancing observed. See the blog post for more details.

For those who are interested, the Diocese publishes regular updates in various forms: The Weekly Diocesan Bulletin is published weekly and the link takes you to the latest version which also contains links to the monthly ‘Messenger’.


Posted by admin