Sunday 11th December 2022

Sunday 11th December  The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh

The recorded service is now available. This link takes you to the pew sheet 

Next Week: 
Thursday 15th December – 7.30pm in church – The Oriana Singers present a medley of Christmas music and traditional carols. See the poster for details.
Sunday 18th December 2022 The service in church at 9.30am will be an informal service of the Word led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here.
The December and January issue of ‘Together in Wotton’ is here
A summary of Christmas events in the benefice is here

Posted by admin

Sunday 4th December 2022

Sunday 4th December The service in church at 9.30am will be an informal service of the Word led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters

The recorded service is now available. This link takes you to the pew sheet 

is now available. This link takes you to the pew sheet 


Next Week:  Sunday 11th December 2022 The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Peter Marsh

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 27th November

Sunday 27th November
The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
At 4pm in church, we will have a service of Advent carols and readings.

 A recorded service is now available.
This link takes you to the pew sheet 

Next Week:  Sunday 4th December 2022
The service in church at 9.30am will be a service of the Word

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 20th November 2022 – 1st Sunday of Advent

Sunday 20th November
The service in church at 9.30am will be an all-age Advent service with songs, stories, activities and snacks, led by Rev Lesley Hewish. Its theme will be walking with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem
 A recorded service is now available.
This link takes you to the pew sheet 

Next Week:  Sunday 27th November 2022
The service in church at 9.30am will be a communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
At 4pm in church, we will have a service of Advent carols and readings

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 13th November 2022 – Remembrance Sunday

Sunday 13th November –  Remembrance Sunday
9.30am  –
A communion service in church led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
10.45am –
Remembrance Service at the war memorial with Rev Peter Marsh
–      The recorded service is now available. This is a link to the Remembrance service recorded in 2020, but, we feel, well worth revisiting. If you start watching at 10.50am, you should reach the silence at 11am.
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 20th November – The service in church at 9.30am will be a service of the Word led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 6th November 2022

Sunday 6th November – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Jane Kenchington
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 13th November –  Remembrance Sunday
9.30am  –
  A communion service in church led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
10.45am – Remembrance Service at the war memorial with Rev Peter Marsh

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 30th October 2022 – All Saints

This Week

Sunday 30th October – 11am  – The service in church will be a benefice communion service at which all our clergy will be present. Please do come if you can as Rev Sue Phillipson Masters and Canon Jane Kenchington will both be welcomed into the benefice team. PLEASE NOTE THE LATER TIME
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:

Sunday 6th November – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Peter Marsh

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 23rd October 2022 – Bible Sunday

This Week
Sunday 23rd October – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a communion service led by Canon Jane Kenchington
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 30th October – 11am  – The service in church will be a benefice service at which all our clergy will be present. Please do come if you can as Rev Sue Phillipson Masters and Canon Jane Kenchington will both be welcomed into the benefice team

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 16th October 2022

This Week

The harvest supper is on Saturday 15th October – please note the request for ‘promises’ to be auctioned on the night. Sorry, but bookings have now closed for the meal.
Sunday 16th October – 9.30am  –
The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Lesley Hewish
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Sunday 16th October at 3pm in the church, sees a concert by ‘Sackbut Frenzy’, organised by Emily White

Next Week:
Sunday 16th October – 9.30am  – The service in church will be a communion service led by Rev Jane Kenchington

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin

Sunday 9th October 2022

This Week
Sunday 9th October – 9.30am  –
The service in church will be a harvest communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 16th October – 9.30am  –
The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Lesley Hewish
The harvest supper is on Saturday 15th October – please note the request for promises to be auctioned on the night. Please remember to book your meal
The following day, Sunday 16th October at 3pm in the church, sees a concert by ‘Sackbut Frenzy’, organised by Emily White

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here

Posted by admin