
Sunday 14th June 2020

This week, we have a full service with music.

The order of service is here.

The pew sheet can be found here, and the lectionary for the day here

You may have seen in the press that churches are allowed to open for private worship, subject to certain conditions. Sadly, it is not realistic for us  to meet those conditions, so the church building remains closed. The churchyard, however, is open and provides a place for quiet reflection and prayer – with benches. Please do make use of it.

Copyright notice for the service:
Hymn All my hope on God – Hymns Old and New No.15     Words by Robert Bridges (1844-1930) alt. translation of original German by Joachim Neander (1650-80) © copyright Oxford University Press; music by Herbert Howells (1892-1983) © copyright Novello & Co Ltd;
CCLI No. 628345 Streaming Licence No. 1135812

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Trinity Sunday 7th June 2020

The collect, readings and psalm are here.

This week we have Rev Peter Marsh’s ‘ramblings‘ – an informal service.

The benefice pew sheet is here. It contains more information than usual as it is not constrained by having to print on one sheet

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Sunday 10th May 2020

We have Rev Peter Marsh’s ramblings this week.

The collect readings and prayers for this Sunday are here

We plan to have a recorded service next week.

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Sunday 3rd May 2020 – Recorded service

We have recorded a service for this week.
This is the recording and the order of service

If the situation does not change, we will have more ‘ramblings’ next week by Rev Peter Marsh, followed by another recorded service in a fortnight’s time.

The links Peter mentions in notices:

The Long Table, supported by the Diocese of Gloucester, have developed a project ‘Feeding the 5000’, to  providing  meals to vulnerable people who need them. It needs money! Please donate via their website, which, of course, also provides further information

Daily hope is a free telephone line set up by the Church of England to offer music, prayers and reflections, as well as full worship services. It is particularly intended for those who are unable to listen to online services.
The number is 0800 804 8044

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Sunday 26th April

Please listen to Rev Peter Marsh’s ‘ramblings‘, which include some prayers.

The collect, readings and psalm for the day can be found here.

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Easter 2020

These are the collect, psalm and readings for Good Friday  10th April 2020

These are the collect, psalm and readings for Easter Sunday 12th April 2020, and this is the sermon from Rev Peter Marsh

Here are some more prayers for Easter

The following is a recording of an Easter day Service. We are very grateful to David Moss, who has compiled it from a whole suite of individual recordings and also provided some music, and to Sarah Sparks who recorded some hymns. Also to Sue Devine for organising and providing some of the recordings, and to Rev Peter Marsh for ‘taking’ the service. He will also be carrying out this service, along with communion on behalf of us all, in his woodworking shed at 9.30 on Easter Sunday. Please pray with him.
This is the order of service

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