Sunday 28th February 2024 – Candlemas

Sunday 28th January 2024
There will be a communion service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

The recorded service is available.
The pew sheet  will be available.

Sunday 4th February 2024
There will be a family service in church at 9.30am led by Rev Lesley Hewish

Lent is a good time for reflection and reading and one way that can help us to deepen our reflection is to read a book deliberately chosen for Lent.
Four books, detailed on this link, have been recommended. We will be happy to order one (or more!) for you from the Cotswold Bookroom in Wotton.
There are sign-up sheets at the back of the church and there will be no need to pay until you receive the book(s).

The weekly Diocesan newsletter is available