Sunday 2nd Oct 2022

This Week
Sunday 2nd October – 9.30am  –
The service in church will be a service of the Word led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters
–      The recorded service is now available
–      The link takes you to the pew sheet

Next Week:
Sunday 9th October – 9.30am  –
The service in church will be a harvest communion service led by Rev Sue Phillipson-Masters

Looking further ahead, there are 2 events coming up for which have posters. The harvest supper is on Saturday 15th October – please note the request for promises to be auctioned on the night. The following day, Sunday 16th October at 3pm in the church, sees a concert by ‘Sackbut Frenzy’, organised by Emily White

The latest message from the Diocese of Gloucester can be found here